Farmrun is a branding studio led by Andrew Plotsky.

From our headquarters in Bethel, VT, we build and refine brands for visionaries, culture builders and heretics.


  • Brand Strategy

  • Brand Identity

  • Websites

  • Photography

  • Copywriting

  • Tids & Bits


Farmrun is primarily a one-person show. When necessary, we’ll jam with our network of collaborators for projects that exceed the scope of our special sauce.

The studio is located at Stitchdown Farm, which Andrew co-owns and co-operates with his wife. The farm grows specialty cut flowers and offers floral design for all occasions. They also raise pigs, make wood-fired maple syrup, wild fermented cider, operate a farm stand, rent a land treehouse, a gourmet cabin, and host occasional dinner parties in their glass greenhouse.


Farmrun was born in 2009 as a blog to document Andrew’s grand plan to run across the United States. He pontificated, packed up his baby jogger, ran from Provincetown to Chatham then bailed out and got a job.

Over the next few years, Andrew’s hobbies of writing, photography and drawing began to fuse with his pursuits of working on farms around and about.

When he landed on Vashon Island in 2011 to apprentice with Farmstead Meatsmith, he made a wildly successful (to the meat internet) series of adorably idealistic instructional butchery videos.

People started asking him to make logos for their farms, whereupon he discovered that graphic design is ‘a thing,’ found some blogs and started his self-education in design and branding.

Fast forward 10+ years through a move to Washougal, then to Vermont, starting a farm, marriage, and creating a human child, Farmrun is now the most celebrated creative studio in all of Bethel, Vermont.


Farmrun began with an awakening to the dark side of the corporate, industrial food system. The studio was organized around a mission of supporting the agrarian renaissance and inspiring folks to regenerative agricultural action. In the ensuing decade, we have evolved through subsequent disruptive awakenings to broader social, cultural and political power structures that govern the world. 

We understand that the world is an unequal place, governed by imperialist, white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy, and operated by those interested in consolidating power for themselves by oppressing the many and pillaging the planet.

We understand that this architecture is by design, not chance. We understand that this is the fundamental cause of colonization, climate change, mass incarceration, the refugee crisis, the denial of women’s and LGBTQ+ rights, and virtually every facet of our crumbling world.

We are inspired by those who support, advocate for, work alongside, and listen to those who are disadvantaged by this imbalance of power. We believe that it is our responsibility to acknowledge this state of power, and actively work against it to bring greater equity, transparency, progress, and sustainability to the world. 

In light of this, we believe that business must be driven by a mission, and that neither design for the sake of itself, nor design for the sake of profit is intrinsically valuable. Grounding in these beliefs, as a studio, we identify with anti-fascist, anti-racist and queer values, and are guided by the principles of a feminine economy.

We believe that by working with brands whose mission seeks to bring greater equity, sustainability, and progressive value to the world, design can be a tool of empowerment, which uplifts our clients to do well by the communities they serve.