JAG Productions
Brand Identity, Print & Digital Collateral
JAG is a singular African American theater company that produces classical and contemporary plays written, produced and performed by black folk. They seek to build capacity by engaging audiences with the African American experience, and to inspire activism by advocating for the rights of black bodies and black stories. They further seek to build power by sharing stories, the narratives of which we direct. By building a company that produces excellent, moving work, on our terms, we engage audiences familiar and foreign, near and far, in stories and styles that are discriminated against among conventional avenues. By building a platform to tell stories of blackness, at an exceptionally high degree of production quality, JAG activate the imaginations, creativity and empathy of all who engage.
The logotype appears on a thrust stage, as JAG creates space for black stories to thrive onstage. The stage shape is replicated in the counter of the A. This embeds a wink that alludes to the fact that JAG is not only active onstage, but encompasses it's mission of empowerment and storytelling in all it's endeavors. It also creates a striking visual effect of a tunnel that vibrates your eye into the center of JAG, engaging your focus and attention. Finally, all of the corners of the logotype have been rounded slightly, and the angle of the stage is subtly incorporated by chiseling the terminals of the J and G to match the top of the stage. The result is a logo that is strong and soft, striking and subtle, opinionated and forthright.
We also created custom logotypes for JAG’s two main annual events.