Shepherdess L&L Logo

Shepherdess Land & Livestock

Brand Identity

Shepherdess Land & Livestock provides contract grazing services for vegetation management using holistic prescribed grazing methods with goats and sheep. They value comprehensive land stewardship practices, and their ecological services are paired with efforts to engage the community through education. We worked with them to develop a brand identity that will scale as the business takes off and becomes extraordinarily successful.

The predominant theme of the brand identity emerged as ‘Ancient Futures.’ Shepherdess L&L is deploying an innovative mix of ancient grazing wisdom with modern technology tools to fight wildfires and regenerate depleted agricultural lands.

Shepherdess L&L Logo Genesis

Icon Genesis

The Shepherdess Land & Livestock logo is simple, bold, expressive, and a parfait of meaning. It’s a combination of the Aries & Capricorn astrological symbols, it mirrors the style of classic livestock brands, it is evocative of a horned beast, it reads as an abstract landscape, and it is expressly feminine, despite the aggressive simplicity and boldness. It is weird and unique, loud and memorable, just like goats.



Shepherdess L&L Secondaries

These marks are a sheep and a goat, respectively, wearing the iconic eyeglasses of the founder of the company, Brittany Cole Bush.

Shepherdess L&L Animal Runes

Animal Runes

These marks depict the primary charismatic megafauna of the grazing world. The first three are grazers, the dog is a tool that graziers and herders use to keep their flocks in order.


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